
English Presentations:
  AMS students were able to create their own movie trailers, so parents you are invited to watch these trailers and listen to your sons and daughters talking about their work. So, don’t forget it’s the 10th of May at the schools ’library.

Staff of the International Section:  
  I need to get onboard the time machine and go back in time to April. It was an ordinary morning for the teachers until they were called by the schools’ administration and were awarded their certificates received from Cambridge University. This made that day a very special day for all of us. (What made it more special was the delicious chocolate we received with the certificates!) Thank you AMS.

   It’s time for some bad news. Well the final exams are on their way. So students it’s time for some studying. Please do your best, and keep on trying and never give up. Best of Luck students.

Parents Meeting: 
The 11th of April is the day when we get to see you. It’s the day when fruitful discussions are done for the benefit of our students. I would like to thank in advance all the parents who cooperate with us on that day. ( Bad news, certificates will be given to the parents during that day!)

Spelling Bee:
Congratulations to all the students who participated and won in the  school’s annual Spelling
Bee Competition. The following students had outstanding performances:
1-              Mahmoud Hammad  (Third Grade)Golden Medal
2-              Jad Abu Saleh              (Fourth Grade)→Silver Medal
3-              Dina Ramzi                   (Fifth Grade) →Golden Medal
4-              Laith Sa’doon              (Fifth Grade) → Silver Medal
5-              Bisher Darwish            (Sixth Grade) → Golden Medal
6-              Saif Abdl Qader           (Sixth Grade) → Silver Medal
7-              Nassim Melhem           (Sixth Grade) → Silver Medal
8-              Jamal Hussein               (Seventh Grade) → Silver Medal
9-              Jafar Al Windawi          (Seventh Grade) → Silver Medal
10-          Loay Yousef                   (Ninth Grade) → Bronze Medal
11-          Samer Rababa               (Ninth Grade) → Silver Medal


Congratulations to Ms. Ghadeer Al-Asoury, Lilian Juma and Ms. Farah Omar. They did it, they finished their online professional development courses on time and with remarkable results. As usual AMS is well known for its great teachers and administration. Best wishes to the rest of the teachers who are still working on their courses.

Schools’ celebration for honoring Top Students:

On the 10th of March parents are invited to share our joy in honoring our top students . This celebration will be held at the schools’ premises in Jamal Abdl-Naser Theater. These great accomplishments came as a result of great efforts from parents, students and teachers. Great awards are awaiting our beloved students. Oh,I forgot to tell you, “Don’t miss our great data show on that day”.


-I can’t but go back to the 28th of Feb. That was a great day for the International Section. That day students, teachers and administration celebrated the 100th day of school. Some students were busy collecting signatures, some were busy decorating the hallways and classes. But, all shared 100 smiles and big bites of the delicious cake.

- Congratulations! Rama Abu Saleh, Rama Wahbeh, Bisher Drweesh and Saif Wafa participated in the schools’ Science Fair and achieved remarkable results.

Hey! It’s finally February. We missed you all; we missed your noises running in the hallways, your laughter and troubles! It had had been a month since we last saw you. A month being apart from our beloved students. But now it’s over and we’re back into the game!


Way to go! You did it. Congratulations to our top students on their high performance in the first semester. Special thanks to teachers, parents and students who made this possible. When mentioning high achievers I can’t but mention the following names:

 _ Grade Three: 1st place: Loujain Sa’adoun

                          2nd place: Mohammed Al- Omari

                         3rd place: Marwa Al- Omari

_ Grade Four:    1st place: Elyas Amayrah

                            2nd place: Jad Abu Salih

_ Grade Five:     1st place: Dina Rababa & Saif Abu- Arja

                            2nd place: Laith Sa’adoun                                                           

                            3rd place: Loujine Al-Refaey

_ Grade Six:       1st place: Abbas Al Rahim

                            2nd place: Nassim Melhem

                            3rd place: Bisher Darwish & Saif Wafa

_ Grade Seven: 1st place: Rama Abu-Saleh

                            2nd place: Jamal Hussein

 _ Grade Eight:   1st place: Rama Wahbeh

                            2nd place: Nour Abu Faris

_ Grade Nine:    1st place: Samer Rababa

                            2nd place: laith Abu Salih

                           3rd place: Loay Yousef

Busy Month!

February is a very busy month for both teachers and students. During this month students are busy preparing themselves for the Spelling Bee Competition . So, students get ready and start working on your “abc” .

Professional Development

Arab Model Schools emphasizes the importance of self and professional development. Therefore, under the schools’ guidance The IG Staff are now busy with their on-line courses (English, Chemistry, Biology…) which will have a positive impact on the teachers which will lead to greater achievements by both teachers and students.

New Ideas  
Students get ready and brainstorm some innovative ideas, for we’ve got great occasions coming your way in March. It’s the countdown for the 100 days at the International Section, so count with us and provide us with ideas on how to celebrate this day. Same case goes for Mothers’ Day and the Pi Day ). Students and parents it’s our pleasure to hear from you and to cooperate with you which will lead to greater outcomes.